Monday 4 June 2012

Barrel from Battery Geary, blown in to the left side magazine.

The book is out!

Just to announce that the book is now out on Blurb, and available in different formats. The title is " Corregidor, a then and now photo study". The reference number is 3289510, more later........

Monday 28 May 2012

Topside parade ground.

A staple ladder coming up from the Wheeler tunnel.

A storage shed near Topside.

The battery command post at battery Wheeler.


A big hello! This blog is to promote my new book,"Corregidor, a then and now photo study", it is also an information point, a place for you to comment on the book and aplace for any Corregidor information..You might know about a photo, or a more detailed story, whatever! Criticism is also encouraged, but the constructive type is best. I would be very pleased to hear from you.I am a dedicated Corregidor fan, I have been out there four times, and I hope to keep it's war time memories alive,and to promote it to others.